LibreOffice - Installation

LibreOffice for Support of Documents, Spreadsheets, Power-points and PDF files.

LibreOffice is a fundamental pillar of the open source movement. EnterMedia utilizes this technology to support standard document formats. Installation instructions are below. Once installed, the EnterMedia web application will convert documents, spreadsheets, power-points and PDF files for use within the DAM. This functionality includes multi-page conversions for larger files.
On RPM based distributions:
  1. Go to and click on Download for Linux. Try to find the link to 4.1 or higher: i.e.
  2. wget
  3. Save on server and unzip it:
  4. tar -zxvf LibreOffice_4.1.2_Linux_x86_rpm.tar.gz 
  5. mkdir /opt/LibreOffice_4.1.2xxx/RPMS/moved
  6. mv /opt/LibreOffice_4.1.2xxx/RPMS/*gnome* /opt/LibreOffice_4.1.2xxx/RPMS/moved
  7. cd /opt/LibreOffice_4.1.2xxx/RPMS
  8. rpm -Uvh *.rpm
  9. ln -s /opt/libreoffice4.1/program/soffice /usr/bin
Once the LO dependency is installed, up to five page previews can be viewed at once for a single document. Additional pages can be accessed by clicking 'Next Five' or typing a page number below the main preview. Most documents are text searchable. This requires that their text is saved as a searchable metadata field. This is default behavior with most standard formats. LibreOffice - Page Previews